AURA Hypnosis

Who else to guide you through the changes in life and toward your own sovereignty than your perfect Higher Self?

This modality is about self-healing and rebalancing with hypnosis. It includes just what your Higher Self wants you to experience and know in this time and space. Often it will include past life regressions, entity removals, and the removal of A.I.

13 Ways to Prepare for an AURA Hypnosis Session

Client Responsibilities and Reliability Release

What to Expect

Sessions are conducted one-on-one privately virtually (online) and recorded over Zoom, generally starting at 11:00 am and taking three to five hours. The recording is something the client keeps. For the greatest experience, clients will want to work on achieving their highest frequency. This is accomplished by eliminating meat, sugar, alcohol, or any other mind-altering substances at least one week prior to their session, and caffeine two days before their session. Clients should also practice being able to quiet their minds with some form of meditation. (13 Ways to Prepare for an AURA)

Practitioner: Debra

  • Certified A.U.R.A Quantum Hypnosis Practitioner (Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy with the aid of angels and sacred alchemy symbols)
    -Rising Phoenix Mystery School
  • Certified Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healer (R.A.A.H) )
    -Rising Phoenix Mystery School
  • Certified Quantum Alchemy Channeler)
    -Rising Phoenix Mystery School
  • Certificate of Completion Awakening the Illuminated Heart
    -Drunvalo Melchizedek School of Remembering

A trigger moment toward my questioning things, came when being around someone who had violent outbursts and then later explaining that she didn’t want to behave that way, and recalling my own personal experiences of feeling out of control.

Since becoming certified as an AURA  practitioner, I’ve also become an author sharing my intimate waking up journey in my newly released book, “A Perfectly Imperfect Life.” (Available online internationally at all major bookstores.)

Chapters include verbatim private experiences while under hypnosis of self-healing revealing multiple incarnations and meetings with Unicorns, Dragons, Sasquatch, and among others, Archangels, Divine Mother, Divine Father, the Melchizedek, and Source.   

I love that with this modality of AURA past life hypnosis and entity removal, there is never any judgment. It is between you and your Higher Self, for this modality is about you healing yourself through connecting to your Higher Self. Your practitioner is sacredly trained to be the bridge holding the space and providing the opportunity for your greatest healing. It is about you regaining your sovereignty along your path to ascension. What is more important than that?

Jesus/Yeshua taught that as I have done, so can you. If this modality resonates with you, I invite you to request an AURA hypnosis session for yourself from me or any of the other beautiful certified practitioners you resonate with at AURA Hypnosis Practitioners. 

I look forward to getting to know you!

With Infinite Love,

Disclaimer: Debra of AURA Hypnosis with Debra is not a licensed physician and does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems directly or indirectly. Please consult a professional licensed physician for any health concerns. The intent of this modality is to aid you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of this information for yourself or others, Debra assumes no responsibility for your actions.